Monday, March 14, 2016

Sex Addiction vs. Drug Addiction: Are they related?

Most people would never put sex addiction and drug addiction in the same category. They think sex and drugs are two completely different things, that are not related to each other at all. What they do not realize, though, is that there is a major link that connects sexual addiction a drug addiction. Have you ever stopped to think what makes an addiction an addiction? It is chasing a feeling that you get when certain chemical changes occur in the brain. Whether it is the high you get from cocaine, or the feelings you get from having sex, an addiction is an addiction, and that alone is what puts them in the same family.

Many times, drug addiction and se addiction can be even further linked together due to the feelings of shame that a person might get after indulging their sex addiction. Those "what did I just do" and "I can't believe I did that again" feelings can overwhelm a sex addict after they finish chasing that feeling they get from intercourse, and consequently that can send them running right into the open arms of drugs, trying to chase away the guilt by feeling high or just not feeling anything at all.

If sex and/or drug addiction is something you can identify with, there is help! The steps to recovery are hard, and doing it alone might seem unbearable. L.I.F.E. Recovery International offers support for your addictions, and will help you beat this!

"The Link Between Drug Addiction and Sexual Addiction"

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