Sunday, February 21, 2016

Famous TV and Movie Star Publicizes Past Pornography Addiction

If you watch the show "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," or are familiar with popular movies, you are probably familiar with the actor Terry Crews. Crews has recently opened up about his battle with pornography addiction, posting a Facebook video titled "Dirty Little Secret." In this video, he talks about his addiction, stating that it really messed up his life in a lot of ways. He says he didn’t tell anybody about it, and that allowed it to grow and "get bad." When Crews realized the seriousness of his addiction and saw the negative impact it had on his personal relationships and marriage, he sought treatment and enrolled in a rehab program.

Terry Crews is a very prominent and well respected public figure with a massive following on social media. He has over 6 million followers on Facebook alone. The fact that he is reaching out and educating so many people with his own personal story is incredible. He is showing that you do not have to be afraid to get help, and educating a lot of people on sexual and pornography addiction. His openness and vulnerability is commendable, and hopefully it will encourage people to seek help and treatment.

This addiction is beatable - many celebrities like Terry, and every day people are working to recover from this addiction. Everyone deserves to live their life with sexual freedom and integrity. Check out our resources page at L.I.F.E. Recovery International to see how you can begin your journey to recovery today!


"'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' actor, former NFL player discusses past pornography addiction" by Lindsey Williams

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