Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sexual Addiction May be one of the Hardest Addictions to Break

When the phrase "sexual addiction" is brought up in every day conversation, multiple thoughts might pop into your head. "How can sex be addictive?" "Sexual addiction isn't real," "Drug and alcohol addiction is way worse than sex addiction," and many more. Sexual addiction is not only a very real issue that touches the lives of millions of people across the world, some experts believe that sexual addiction is actually one of the hardest addictions to recover from.

Dr. Doug Weiss, the head of the American Association for Sex Addiction, believes that sex addiction can negatively affect its victims even more so than drugs or alcohol. He stated in a recent interview with CBN News that "drugs [and alcohol] aren't a part of who you are, [they're] something that you do. Sexuality is part of who you are." He also believes that the actual sexual chemical is stronger than any drug that you can take. This helps to shed some light on why people find it so hard to recover from sexual addiction. The act of sex is not inherently "bad," or "addictive," it is something that almost everyone participates in at least once in their life. For many, it is an important part of life that encourages intimacy and closeness. Sex only becomes a problem when sexual behaviors shift from healthy to unhealthy. Sexual addiction is so hard to recover from because it does not involve simply cutting sex out of your life forever. True recovery comes from the ability to recognize unhealthy sexual behaviors and motivations, and transform them into healthy, positive behaviors. This involves completely redefining sex and sexuality, and it takes constant effort and determination.

Fortunately, L.I.F.E Recovery International is ready to support you if you decide. The fact that sexual addiction is one of the hardest addictions to break can actually be a good thing, as the recovery process will make you that much stronger and more determined to transform your life and live with sexual freedom and integrity.


"This is the Hardest Addiction to Break" by Paul Strand

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