Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Food for L.I.F.E


Are your emotions growling? Many of us are hungry and do not understand what our emotions are growling for. I have been insatiably hungry before; craving sugar and carbohydrates when what I really needed was water. Most of us are just like that, our bodies are desperately trying to tell us that it needs something, but we have spent so much time trying to suppress those needs that we mistake that hunger for something else. We are no longer in tune to what we are really hungry for.

While you might have not come to the place in your healing to identify it yet, you have tried tirelessly to feed your hunger with alcohol, pornography, drugs, serial relationships and/or sex and have come up hungry. You have found yourself using these substances to deal with feelings and emotions that overwhelm you, because they alter your mood, or shift your focus to something more pleasurable than what is presently going on in your life. The truth of the matter is that while these substances temporarily relive the feelings of hunger, they do not deal with the root of the problem. You will soon find yourself hungry again.

There is hope. You do not have to live a life that is always hungry and never feeling satisfied. L.I.F.E. Recovery for Women and for Men is that place of hope. We will help you identify what it is that you are hungry for and help you find healthy ways of feeding that hunger and come to a place of contentment in your life like you have never known.

In my own experience I have resisted food during hard times and I have also used food to cope and comfort myself during trying times.  In what ways are you using food to ease your pain or cope with difficulty and disappointment? What are you really hungry for?

Post your comments now. 

Hugs, Micki aka Butterfly Wings
L.I.F.E. Recovery International

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